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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Do(n't) Do The Dew! Cut out sodas...

Do the Dew!  That used to be my motto in life.  Everyday I would have a “delicious” taste of that cool Mountain Dew.  The ripples of sweat hanging from the can wet my fingers just right whenever I snapped that tab back.  Gulp, gulp, gulp.  Guess it’s time for another one.  Ahhh sooo fresh. 

Then life changed!  Right when I was diagnosed with Cancer I realized that my eating, and drinking habits had to change.  Not a temporary change, a permanent one.  Mountain Dew was the first to go.  A lot more came after but we’ll discuss those areas in later posts.   It’s been a LONG time since I’ve tasted the forbidden fruit!  Although I will admit I did buy one the other day when I was driving 9 and half hours to Wilmington, NC by myself.  But IGNORE THAT! 

Though carbonated beverages are not the roots of all evil and Mountain Dew isn’t the most toxic substance you could be putting in your body, there are still dramatic health reasons why giving up these sweets will improve your life.  By cutting out carbonated drinks you can really take some notches out of your waistline!  Your body doesn’t want it! 

Top 5 Reasons to Quit Drinking Soda Pop:

1.    High Calorie/Lose Weight

·      Depletes your body of natural minerals.  ONE can of Coke has the same amount of sugar recommended for ONE day!  Only drink “diet?”  Doesn’t matter, research shows there is an increased risk of becoming overweight if drinking “diet.”  You can lose an easy 20lbs over the year by cutting out soda.   

2.    Dehydration

·      Caffeine and sugar make the body dehydrate.  The more you drink, the more you thirst. 

3.    Caffeine addiction

·      When you don’t have caffeine your body acts as if it’s going through mild withdraw.  Is that worth it?  Don’t be a slave to your body. 

4.    Acid

·      The acid content is so strong in soda that it does wear away at the enamel of your teeth.  You’ve only got one set of those! 

5.    Save money

·      How much money do you spend on soda?!  If you drink 2 cans a day that’s about $206 over the year. 

Can we all agree that soda is just not what the people want?!  Cut it out.  Ok, ok, ok I know going cold turkey is hard.  You can start by cutting out a can a day, to one every other day, to eventually none at all.  You’ll be amazed how much your taste buds will thank you over time.  You may even chuckle every time you hear, “Do the Dew!” 


Random fun fact: 

Singers, athletes, and anyone who uses their lungs pay attention!  Soda also messes with your lung capacity! 

Let’s break this down:  those little carbonated bubbles are made of C02 right?  So when you fill your lungs with air you are taking in O2.  Then you expel CO2 out of the body (function of the lung).  Following me?  Well when you drink all that carbonation your body is overflowing with CO2 and it has nowhere to go! Your lungs then start pumping overtime and working a lot harder than they want just to get ride of the extra CO2.  This places stress on the lungs and can cause some problems especially if you have any kind of lung ailment.   Having trouble breathing?  Maybe it’s the soda! 

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